After arriving here in Alicante yesterday I was able to communicate better with my family (Maryly in CA and the girls in CT) and help where I could. We have become so accustomed to being in immediate contact that when we are off the grid and people need you, it can be extraordinarily frustrating. I love the freedom and peace of the sea but at times like this that freedom comes at a high cost. Maryly, her sisters, the cousins, our daughters, her caregiver Janet and all who loved Suzanne have been tremendously supportive of each other through this sad time. Family.

Suzanne and the grandchildren
Alicante has been a fantastic stop for us.

Heldeleine secure at Alicante Marina
We went to the top of the Castle. We then walked to the Bull fighting Arena (I hope you all remember my feelings about the abuse of Bulls from the Azores last year) . The Bullring was thankfully being using for concerts this week. Let’s not forget the food!
So, the plan:
Tomorrow we try to make a 3 day push to Morocco (300 miles). It should be a pleasant trip to start with and then a tough go for the last 100miles with heavy winds forecast to be blowing into the Med through the Strait of Gibraltar presenting a challenge for us going West. The plan will be to sail the east wind as long as possible and then hug the Spanish southern coast and try to time the crossing to Morocco with the least amount of damage. Check the map and see how we do. Note: when you see our track zig zagging it is not because Laurie and I have broken out the rum and are partying. Though it has been tempting at times. We are on a sailboat and as such we are not able to sail directly into the wind and must steer an angle from 35-60 degrees off the wind. Zig Zag. Regards to all!
May you have a safe and pleasurable journey to Morocco! We’ll be thinking of you and look forward to pics with the whole family upon your arrival!
Thanks for taking such good care of Mars. You two are a wonder. Warmest regards, Dan.
Thanks for the update!! Zigzag away and we’ll see you soon in Marrakech! xoxo
You can sail 35 degrees to wind? I’m impressed! We can’t quite do that on a J22, even with the traveler hiked up. If the wind is on your nose heading to Gibralter, am assuming you can hang a left and beam your way to Morocco 🙂
Unfortunately with the steep seas and 35-30kts on the nose, we bailed and pulled over at Almerimar. We are snug as a bug with the wind howling outside. Regards, Dan.
yikes! 35kts on the nose is brutal. Pretty hard to make any way with the constant pounding. Glad you guys are snug and safe. It’s always better to be a prudent mariner than a sorry one. Am enjoying your adventures and voyages vicariously as I sail the waters of the Chesapeake in day sailing keel boats (22-26′). When the winds hit 20, I’m done – I’m a grandma so my preferred wind speed on smaller boats is 8-12kts. 15 gets to be a lot more work. Over 15, you’re reefed and if the gusts exceed 20 it’s time to go home! A 22′ boat with a 700 lb. keel is pretty tender once the winds kick up. But I bet your lovely ocean going vessel is just getting going at 15!
Be safe!! So sorry to hear of the loss of Maryly’s Mom! Your daughters gave suck a beautiful tribute!! You must be so proud of them!! Sail on!